
Other art and design work not necessarily in the realm of User Experience Design.

Catlin Park Map

LaSalle County Parks was the freelance client for this project.

Their existing trail map was outdated and inacurate. That challenge was getting all the trails onto one side of paper and still remain legible.

Using existing GPS data and retracing some trails, I put together this map that includes their 14 trails and symbols for repeating features and landmarks.

An important part of this was using unique patterns and color palette to aid those with vision impairment. 

Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Strava, Google Maps


Lever Gig Poster

12 x 18" Gigposter commissioned by Pete's Place of DeKalb, IL.

This needed to be done on a tight deadline. The artwork takes advantage of some found art using a scene from The Wizard of Oz. 

This poster was printed by hand in my home screen printing studio. Adding to the rush factor and cost constraints, it features just two ink colors. 

This limited edition of 40 prints was sold out before the end of the show.

Tools: Photoshop, homebuilt screen printing fixtures


"My Arm" Original Song and Video

Even when between projects, I'll create my own projects to practice honing my skills.

"My Arm" is an original song of mine and this take come from a series of videos called the Bedroom Sessions.

Each video is a chance for me to experiment with light, sound, and subtle visual effects in production.

Tools: Premiere, Zoom H6 Recorder, Garageband